Finding a Professional Printer You Can Trust

Copyright Laws in Vietnam

Protecting you work

It is a common desire to rest peacefully, assured that the efforts we have invested in our artistic creations are safeguarded against theft. In the past, prior to the advent of the internet, this concern was less pronounced, as the effort required to steal artwork was significantly greater. However, instances of theft did occur. In the present day, the situation has changed, making it considerably easier for theft to happen. Although search engines like Google are implementing measures to assist in protecting our work, the responsibility largely falls on individuals to take proactive steps to safeguard their creations.

So what can you do to safeguard your work.

To ensure the protection of your creative work, it is essential to recognize that copyright is automatically conferred upon the creation of the work, eliminating the necessity for registration. Although registration is not mandatory, it may prove advantageous in legal situations. To reduce the likelihood of unauthorized use, it is prudent to limit your online presence by sharing only low-resolution and watermarked images.

Finding a professional printer for your work.

Exercise caution, as you may be providing a digital file to an unknown party who could exploit your image without your awareness. Consequently, it is crucial to perform diligent research on your chosen printer. If they maintain a website, examine the images they display and directly inquire about their handling of copyright materials. Specifically, ask whether they are willing to print copyrighted images sourced from the internet. If they do then it’s about the money for them, and not the respect of your rights.

For certain individuals, holding a copyright on their creations may not be a significant concern; however, for many artists, including possibly yourself, it represents a vital source of income. Regardless of the perspective, it is essential for artists / creators to support one another and refrain from engaging in business with those who do not respect copyright laws. Furthermore, it is important to report and bring to light those who violate

There are many documented cases in which artists have placed their creations in the hands of printers, only to find out later that their work is being sold as postcards to tourists, leaving the artists without any financial remuneration. Furthermore, there are instances where individuals acquire large canvases or prints for their homes overseas, often investing a significant sum in framing, yet the artists do not receive any profit from these transactions. It is important to remain vigilant, as these situations are occurring frequently.

Our policy is straightforward. We are deeply committed to the art community and adhere to the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, which guarantees the security of your artwork, whether in digital or physical form.

• We will not sell, trade, or publish any of your creations without your explicit consent.

• We do not print or promote any pirated or unauthorized works.

• We strictly prohibit any photography of protected works on our premises. We take copyright protection very seriously and are prepared to decline a printing job if it means maintaining these standards. List of Signatories (Countries).

• We uphold the principles of the Berne Convention on Copyright Laws in Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore and the rest of Southeast Asia.

If you would like to talk more on this issue please Contact us. We would be happy to share some insites regardless of your final choices.

Copyright Laws in Vietnam

Creative Image Studios Saigon

The Only Certified Canson Infinity Print Partner in Vietnam